Adopt a Virtual Dairy Goat!

Welcome to our Adopt-A-Goat program! I am happy you found us and thrilled to welcome you into our little family!

We have so much fun around here and wanted to share it with you, so we created this program as a way to bring some joy and fun back into your homeschooling world.

And, if you aren't a homeschooler, that's fine! You don't have to be.

Everyone is welcome here!

How the Adopt-A-Goat program works

Pick your goat! Look through this page and find the goat that you want to get to know better. Do you want one that fits your personality? How about the goat that looks like your dad? Or the one who seems the most stubborn, gentle or funny? Whatever the reason, you can pick your very own!

Sign up down below! Each goat comes with their own button, so make sure you click on the button that goes with your goat so you get the right materials.

Each month be on the lookout for news about your goat in our Goatly Greetings Newsletter! It will come straight to your email inbox, so make sure we aren't in your spam box. You will get a welcome email immediately upon sign up, so if you don't get that, please let us know so we can resend it.

Enjoy your new friend! You will love getting to know your goat over the months ahead. There is never a dull moment with these girls!

Meet Daisy!

Daisy is our herd matriarch. That means she is the head honcho of all the goats. Everyone looks up to her and she is a gentle and quiet leader. She also is our only goat to have wattles. If you adopt her, you'll find out what that means! Her favorite past times are laying in the sun, trying to escape, and standing under the hay rack to get the most hay. She loves to eat! If you adopt Daisy, she will always give you something to love.

Meet Holly!

Holly is the second in the pecking order of our does and she lets everyone know it! She loves to try to be on top, but can never quite hold that place. Her favorite past times are headbutting our herd matriarch, jumping around at feeding time so she gets caught in her leash, and napping. Holly is our easiest goat to keep and never gives us any problems. If you adopt Holly, she will always give you something to learn.

Meet Violet!

Violet is the diva of the herd and our smallest, most feminine lady. She is very concerned about her space and food and will only eat if everything is exactly as it should be. She is one of the lowest on the pecking order. Her favorite past times are eating as slow as she possibly can, keeping the other goats off her play structure, and tricking us into thinking she's going to milk nicely. If you adopt Violet, she will always give you something to be amazed at.

Meet Poppy!

Poppy is the baby of the family. She is Violet's baby who joined us last year. She is so adorable and loves attention! She greets us with her tail wagging just like a dog. Her favorite pastimes are running and jumping, escaping Daisy's headbutting, and giving us kisses at feeding time. If you adopt Poppy, she will always give you something to laugh at.

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.